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Most Common Mistakes to Avoid During Knee Replacement Recovery

Knee replacement surgery is one of the most commonly performed procedures each year, and for good reason. For many individuals who suffer from chronic knee pain due to arthritis or wear and tear on their knee joint, knee replacement can be life-changing, providing the ability to regain full function and mobility in their knee and resume a pain-free life.

The good news is knee replacement has a very high success rate:

While the prognosis after knee replacement makes getting the procedure a no-brainer for anyone who is a good candidate for the procedure, it’s important to understand that your actions during your recovery will play a major role in the outcome you achieve. Recovery from knee replacement requires patience and a commitment to diligently following all post-operative care instructions. There will be both good days and bad days throughout the process, and keeping a positive attitude that allows you to follow through with all your rehabilitation work is critical to the success of your procedure.

7 Pitfalls to Avoid After Knee Replacement

While the overwhelming majority of patients experience a successful outcome, those who don’t typically make one or more of the common mistakes discussed below. In order to avoid these pitfalls, it’s important to follow your knee replacement surgeon’s instructions carefully throughout the recovery process.

Skipping Physical Therapy Sessions and Not Completing Prescribed Exercises

Physical therapy plays an important role in your recovery after knee replacement. Your physical therapy sessions and at-home exercises are critical to your ability to regain strength, flexibility and full function of your knee after surgery. When you don’t attend your sessions or neglect to complete your at-home exercises every day, you’re not giving your body the consistent rehab work necessary to make a full recovery.

Missing a few sessions with your physical therapist can slow down your progress and negatively impact your ability to regain full function. Skipping your daily exercises will have an even greater impact, as it might result in joint stiffness, prolonged muscle weakness and reduced range of motion in your knee.

Make sure you attend every physical therapy session prescribed by your knee replacement surgeon and carve out time every day to complete the at-home exercises your physical therapist assigns.

Failing to Follow Your Pain Management Regimen

Knee replacement is a major surgical procedure, and there will always be some level of discomfort during the early phases of your recovery. This is why your knee replacement specialist will prescribe pain medication after surgery. It’s important to follow this pain management regimen as directed – failing to take your prescribed pain medication can make the recovery process more challenging, while taking too large a dose or relying on this medication too heavily may negatively impact your ability to recognize when certain movements may be causing harm rather than assisting in recovery.

Managing your pain is also an important tool to help you sleep, as it can be challenging to sleep when you’re in extreme pain. A lot of your body’s healing occurs while you’re sleeping, so it’s essential that you’re able to get sufficient rest during the early phases of your recovery.

Doing Too Much Too Soon

knee replacement recovery It’s understandable that you’ll be anxious to resume normal activities after knee replacement – especially as pain subsides and you start feeling stronger. But it’s important to understand your physical limitations during the early phases of recovery after knee replacement. While regular activity is an important part of your rehabilitation, especially when it comes to completing your physical therapy exercises, pushing too hard too soon can place excessive strain on your healing knee joint and result in setbacks such as increased pain, swelling, delayed recovery and even re-injury.

Always follow the instructions of your knee replacement surgeon and your physical therapy team regarding when it is safe to resume specific activities. In addition, listen to your body and back off an activity if it feels too painful.

Avoiding Movement

While we just cautioned about resuming activity too quickly after knee replacement, the reverse is also true. It’s natural to feel hesitant about moving your knee right after surgery, but completely immobilizing the joint can result in a variety of long-term issues such as muscle atrophy, reduced range of motion and stiffness. This can hinder your recovery and negatively impact the outcome of your surgery.

Pain is a part of the recovery process, and this may cause apprehension when engaging in physical activity. However, it’s important to remember that often this initial pain will ease slightly as your knee warms up and gets used to the activity you’re engaging in. Regular activity during your recovery will improve your knee function, strength and range of motion. Just make sure you stick to activities that are approved by your knee surgeon and your physical therapy team.

Neglecting Wound Care

Proper wound care is essential to prevent infection and other complications after knee replacement. It’s important to follow your knee surgeon’s wound care instructions and take all prescribed medications, including antibiotics, to ensure your wound heals properly.

Giving Up Assistive Devices Too Soon

knee replacement Assistive devices such as walkers, canes and crutches can often be needed after knee replacement to help you get around without injuring your surgically repaired joint. While most people do a good job using these devices at first, a common mistake patients make is discontinuing the use of them too soon. This can cause you to compensate while walking, resulting in long-term problems with your gait. While you may feel like you’re ready to get rid of these assistive devices before your surgeon tells you to, it’s important to resist this urge. Using assistive devices for longer into your healing process is an important way to ensure you regain full mobility.

Not Following Up with Your Knee Replacement Surgeon

You’ll have a series of follow-up visits with your surgical team throughout your recovery. These appointments are important for a variety of reasons:

Neglecting these appointments can negatively impact your recovery, as improper healing, infections and other issues might go unnoticed and cause more serious complications.

Raising the Bar for Knee Replacement Surgery on the Western Slope

If you’re considering knee replacement, Colorado Advanced Orthopedics will deliver the exceptional outcome you deserve. Since opening our clinic in 2020, we’ve been raising the bar for orthopedic care along the Western Slope. Our team was recently honored by Healthgrades as one of the top joint replacement hospitals in the country.

Our knee replacement specialist, Dr. Kevin Borchard, performs all our knee replacement procedures using the Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Surgery System. This cutting-edge technology, along with his extensive experience – he’s performed thousands of knee replacement procedures – results in superior patient outcomes that exceed industry standards. With our commitment to exceptional patient care, we’re able to deliver knee replacement results commensurate with hospitals in major metropolitan areas. This is one of the many reasons why patients along the Western Slope regularly turn to Colorado Advanced Orthopedics as their knee replacement provider of choice.

Our knee surgeons also treat a large number of out-of-town patients looking to receive the best treatment possible. We offer telehealth consultations for out-of-town patients who would like to learn more about their knee replacement options.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. Colorado Advanced Orthopedics serves patients in Meeker, the White River Valley, Grand Junction and throughout the Western Slope.

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