Arthroscopic knee surgery is a versatile procedure used to treat a wide range of knee injuries and conditions. One of the benefits of arthroscopic surgery is that it is a minimally invasive procedure that facilitates a faster recovery than traditional knee surgery procedures. During arthroscopic knee surgery, a device called an arthroscope – a small camera mounted on a narrow tube – is used to allow for repairs to damaged knee structures to be made with a much smaller incision. The smaller incision is the primary reason you can experience a shorter recovery time.
As with any surgical procedure, it’s important to understand every aspect of the treatment, including the recovery. While arthroscopic knee surgery has a shorter recovery time than traditional knee surgery, the actual recovery process varies based on the type of procedure being performed and various other factors related to your specific condition. The following overview will help you understand what to expect. Still, the only way to know the specifics of your unique arthroscopic knee surgery recovery is to speak with one of our knee surgeons in person.
Some of the factors that will impact your healing time and overall recovery include:
Completing all physical therapy is critical for optimal recovery and regaining the full function of your knee.
Make sure to take the following actions during your first few days after surgery to facilitate the smoothest possible recovery:
Arthroscopic knee surgery is commonly performed to repair a torn ACL. Healing time after surgery to repair this common sports injury takes a long time, and the recovery after arthroscopic ACL surgery can take 6-9 months for healthy, active patients. It will take roughly 6-8 weeks to heal after surgery, and then the rehabilitation program to restore full strength, range of motion, stability, and function will take many months and require extensive physical therapy.
Patients with a desk job can typically return to work approximately a week after surgery. However, jobs that require prolonged periods of standing may take as long as 4-6 weeks before you can return to work. Your knee surgeon will tell you when it’s safe to resume sports and other physical activities.
Arthroscopic surgery for a torn meniscus is another common procedure. This surgery is significantly less complex than arthroscopic ACL surgery, and the recovery period is much shorter.
You should be able to regain full range of motion within 1-2 weeks after surgery, but it may take 4-6 weeks before you can resume sports and other strenuous activities. If your surgery involves a more extensive meniscus repair, the recovery time may take a little longer. Your knee surgeon will tell you when it’s safe to resume activities.
While minor patellar tendon tears often heal with physical therapy, arthroscopic surgery may be recommended for larger tears. You must keep your knee immobilized in a brace for 2-4 weeks, and crutches will be needed. Physical therapy to restore strength and range of motion will begin shortly after surgery.
You won’t be able to put weight on your knee for two weeks. You should be able to start walking without crutches after 4-6 weeks, and more intensive physical therapy will begin at this time. You should be able to walk without a brace after about 12 weeks. Full recovery can take anywhere between 6-12 months.
Colorado Advanced Orthopedics is committed to delivering exceptional care to restore a pain-free life. Our staff includes some of the most experienced, board-certified, fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeons and sports medicine physicians on the Western Slope. Our knee surgeons regularly utilize arthroscopic knee surgery techniques to help you reduce your recovery time and minimize the risk of complications. They have experience treating many knee injuries, ensuring you’ll receive the best care for your condition.
You’ll also benefit from completing your rehab with our in-house physical therapy team. Our physical therapists will work closely with your knee surgeon and other care team members to ensure your treatment is coordinated correctly. This collaboration helps deliver the best possible outcome for your arthroscopic knee surgery.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment. Colorado Advanced Orthopedics serves patients in Meeker, the White River Valley, and the Western Slope.
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